SvEnjoy Productions Apps

RPG Companion 1.0.5
This is the companion android app to thewebsite: The goal of this app is toimprove yourlife, as a DnD Dungeon Master, or any RPG DM or GM forthat matter.Notable features include: -Plot Hook Generator - Browsethroughhundreds of plot hooks to help keep your story interesting.You caneven submit your own! -NPC Generator - Randomly generate averydetailed NPC on the fly; your players will believe that thisNPChas a purpose and is significant instead of a throwawayone-offforgettable character. -Name Generator - With a growing listofraces. -Loot Generator - Configurable to a large varietyofencounter types -Unique Items, Riddles, Puzzles, Dungeons,andBattle Maps submitted and voted on by users. -A convenientdiceroller -More than 120 "d100" lists - Have you ever needed tocomeup with a tavern name quickly? How about an interesting potion?Orthe contents of a traveler's backpack? These lists contain100+different entries to quickly help you fill in the details ofyourworld. This app is opensource: and I would loveany andall contributions.